Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cool Space Photo!

This is a composite image of the active galaxy M82 from infrared observations by Spitzer Space Telecope in three wavelength bands coded in red (longest wavelength), green, and blue (shortest wavelengths).

NASA/JPL-Caltech/C. Engelbracht (University of Arizona)

'Two moons' on Friday night?

It is claimed that Mars (pictured) will appear so large in the sky on Aug. 27 that it will look as if Earth has two moons.


This Friday, August 27, the planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky, will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. On August 27, when Mars is at 34.65 miles from Earth at 12:30 AM, will look as if the earth had two moons. The next time Mars may come so close is in 2287. No one that is alive now will see Mars so close again.

In relative terms, the moon Friday night will be roughly 400 times larger than Mars will appear.In astro-speak, Mars will have an apparent diameter of about 4.4 arcseconds. The moon, by contrast, will have an apparent diameter of about 29.5 arcminutes. While those units aren't something most people use every day, you can get an intuitive grasp by thinking in terms of time. Twenty-nine minutes is substantially longer than four seconds.

Although two moons is not on Earth's astronomical agenda Friday night, by all means, check out the evening sky anyway.

- Black Berry Messenger News

Monday, August 16, 2010

Safety Steps for Doing a Cake!

Safety Steps
1.) If you have a long hair you have to tie it with a pony tale so hairs don't get in the cake.

2.) You need to wash your hands! (Extremely Important) and use an apron so you don't get dirty.

3.)You need to read the instructions carefully because every bag has a different way of doing it.

4.)It is recommendable to use the exact measurements said on the instructions.

5.)You need to mix all the ingredients.

6.)After doing all the mixing wrapped up you need to put the oven at a 350 F and let it heat for
10 mins (you may need the help of an adult.)

7.)Carefully put the cake in and wait 35 mins.

8.)When the oven rings, like it is over, you should get some gloves and take it out (you can get an adult to take the cake out because it may be very hot.)

9.)After taking out the cake wait a few minutes so it cools down and wash all the supplies you used.

10.)It is important to leave the cake where small kids cannot reach it because they can get burned.
How to bake a Betty Crocker Cake

1.) If you buy a Betty Crocker Cake it will result easier because the instructions are clear.

2.) You need to have a bowl and put in the flour, the flour includes a lot of things so be careful not to add more.

3.)You need 3 eggs, 1 1/3 cups of water, 1/3 cup of oil, and the Betty Crocker flour.

4.) You need to mix it very well or you can put it in one of those automatic machines that mix things and you put the mixture in a special recipe for cakes but before putting it in the recipe you need to paint it with butter so the cake doesn't get stuck when it is ready.

5.) You put your oven at 350 degrees C and wait a little while, then you put the cake inside and
you wait for aprox. 35 mins.

6.) Then it should be done! And wait so it cools down..