Monday, December 5, 2011

When the Heat's On, Some Fish Can Cope: Certain Tropical Species Have Greater Capacity to Deal With Rising Sea Temperatures Than Thought

ScienceDaily (Dec. 5, 2011) — Australian scientists have discovered that some tropical fish have a greater capacity to cope with rising sea temperatures than previously thought -- by adjusting over several generations.

The discovery, by researchers at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University and CSIRO sheds a ray of hope amid the rising concern over the future of coral reefs and their fish under the levels of global warming expected to occur by the end of the 21st century.
Understanding the ability of species to acclimatise to rising temperatures over longer time periods is critical for predicting the biological consequences of global warming -- yet it remains one of the least understood aspects of climate science. The scientists were seeking to discover how fish would cope with the elevated sea temperatures expected by 2050 and 2100.

I got very interested with this article because last year I was learning about Climate Change, and how the sea temperatures may change. We are going through many changes that are affecting us now or will in the future, for me it is very important to be informed of the things that are happening around the world and the subject of this article talks about something that may affect me someday. We can see that a population of fish can affect the temperature of the sea.

The Areas of Interactions used in this article are, in my opinion, Environment, because what happens under the sea is also part of our environment and this may force us to do many changes that may affect the environment. I think that Health and Social Education are also used in this article because this article is to infomr us all of what is happening so this is social education and the population of fish may affect our health because some of them may be contamined or they may reporoduce with health deseases.
This is a very interesting article that we should all read and take some precautons and learn of what is happening out there.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011;_ylt=AgFaaxQ3_cW7CwCeym4qqHYPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJocGJocjZyBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwNTMxL3VzX3NwYWNlX3NodXR0bGUEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMyBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2FzdHJvbmF1dHNnZQ--

Monday, May 9, 2011

New Mineral Discovered: One of Earliest Minerals Formed in Solar System

The "Cracked Egg" grain, in which krotite was discovered, is contained in the NWA 1934 Meteorite. (Credit: Image by Chi Ma)

ScienceDaily (May 7, 2011)
— In the May-June issue of the journal American Mineralogist, a team of scientists announced the discovery of the new mineral krotite, one of the earliest minerals formed in our solar system. It is the main component of an unusual inclusion embedded in a meteorite (NWA 1934), found in northwest Africa. These objects, known as refractory inclusions, are thought to be the first planetary materials formed in our solar system, dating back to before the formation of Earth and the other planets.

This article I read talks about a new mineral formed in our Solar System. I got really interested with this article because it is amazing how many things happen in our Solar System, and how many things we can discover. It is so interesting how minerals can be formed, and this may be a new natural resource we can use to make money. This mineral may be a whole new step in the business world. And it is so cool that I am alive when this mineral was formed!

This mineral that was recently discovered may influence my future because it may be something I will use. I can also tell my children that I was 14 when this mineral was formed and discovered! I really love when natural things are discovered because they are so amazing and the world has so many mysteries we want to discover!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

First Shot of Mercury Orbit


The first image of Mercury ever taken from an orbiting craft shows the large rayed crater Debussy (upper portion of photo) and a smaller crater called Matabei. The lower part of the image shows part of Mercury’s south polar region not previously seen by any craft.

NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft has returned the first image of Mercury ever taken by a probe orbiting the solar system’s innermost planet. The image, recorded early on March 29 by MESSENGER’s wide-angle camera and released later that day, shows two craters as well as a part of Mercury’s south polar terrain not previously imaged by any craft. The image resolves features as small as about 5 kilometers across.

This article interests me because its the first image of Mercury ever taken from an orbiting craft and I am living so it will be a mark in history and I cant tell my children and grandchildren that I was 14 when this happened. This article is SOOOO cool! Hundreds of years will pass and this picture will be seen by many people and I am living when this happened! :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Brain Implant Surgeries Dramatically Improve Symptoms of Debilitating Condition

ScienceDaily (Mar. 8, 2011) — Implanting electrodes into a pea-sized part of the brain can dramatically improve life for people with severe cervical dystonia -- a rare but extremely debilitating condition that causes painful, twisting neck muscle spasms -- according to the results of a pilot study led by Jill Ostrem, MD and Philip Starr, MD PhD at the University of California, San Francisco.

Today, people with cervical dystonia can be treated with medications or injections of Botox, which interrupt signals from the brain that cause these problems. However, those treatments do not provide adequate relief for all patients. Over the last decade, doctors at UCSF and elsewhere have turned to a technique called deep brain stimulation to help people with debilitating dystonia. Also used to treat Parkinson's disease and the neurological disorder essential tremor, the technique is like putting a pacemaker inside a heart patient's chest, except that deep brain stimulation requires a neurosurgeon to implant electrodes inside the brain.

I got interested with this article because I know about many types of inplants, but I never heard about a brain implant. It is very intresting that a brain implant can change the way a part of your body functions. This may facilitate cervical problems, but I am worried that it may damage or affecft some part of your brain or your body. It is a very cool invention and I hope it works.

Right now I can not connect it really to my daily life, but my mom had a cervical problem so she had to get operated, if this implant would have excisted when she got operated she may had put that implant because it may be easier. She still suffers of back hurts and maybe if she would have had the implant she wouldn't suffer anymore. This brain implant scares me a little because the brain is very delicate so it's kind of risky. I hope I will never have cervical problems, but if I do and this implant is successful I may get one if I need to.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Corpo Saluud reports: There are 117 cases of Cholera in Venezuela, official report, are calling the population to not take natural juices in the street, not eat raw salads and sushi, everything needs to be bottled such as water and pasterazied juices. To cook use sustainable water or boiled water and take expectations maximum hygiene and not eat anything raw out. Todael boiling water to bathe young children because they tend to drink it while they are bathing. Is a bacterium that spreads quickly and easily and can even kill people. Any symptoms as cramps and diarrhea immediately go to any medical facility.
I got this information from Black Berry Messanger!

This is a very serious case I wanted to share because it may affect me and you. This information atracted me becuase it is a desease that is happening throughout my country and it is important to alert all the people I know. If there are 117 cases right now it may increase to more and more cases, and this is something that can spread worldwide so we should all take care of this, and do as it says: don't drink natural juices from the streets, boil water becuase it may be infected so it becomes sustainable, and if you have any of those symptoms go immediately to a medical facility. Please be aware of this, and this information is worth of speanding our time reading it, becuase we don't want to suffer like Haiti is.